3D-VIZ Tool

Installation (MAC/PC)

Where do I get the software?

The software is supplied when you purchase an AT360 or ATM 360 system. If you already own an ATS 360 you can purchase the software separately. You can download a demo version of the software from our website and test it free of charge for 30 days.

How do I install the 3D-VIZ TOOL?

MAC: Unzip the 3D-VIZ TOOL.zip file on the Desktop and place the program in the Programs folder.
PC: Unzip the 3D-VIZ TOOL.zip file on the Desktop. Open the setup.exe with right mouse button clicked to run the exe as Administrator.

I am not online. How can I activate the software?

Click on the 3D-VIZ TOOL logo. (for the PC version only under SETTINGS). Click on Activate and follow the instructions. A code for offline registration appears. Email this code to us and you will receive the registration code by return.

I have filled out all * fields but the software still cannot be activated.

Click on all fields again with the mouse and confirm this with Enter. Now you can activate the software.

How can I deactivate the software?

Click on the 3D-VIZ TOOL logo. (for the PC version only under SETTINGS). A "Deactivate" field appears. Click on it and follow the instructions.

On how many computers can the software run?

You can activate the software on one computer. By deactivating the license you can install and activate the software on another computer at any time.

Can I test the software beforehand?

You can download a demo version of the software from our website and test it free of charge for 30 days.

Where can I find a description of the functions?

Handling information can be found in the tutorial enclosed with the software or in the Customers section on our website.

Handling (INPUT and OUTPUT…)

I have placed the correct number of pictures in the Input folder. But the 3D-VIZ TOOL does not create any animation.

Before you place the pictures in the folder you must press "Start Session" to activate the Input folder as "Hotfolder".

How can I process multiple folders at once?

Create a folder for the Input. Place the Sets to be processed in this folder. Now start the Batch process.
Important! The Batch process only works when every folder to be processed has the same number of pictures. In addition the pictures must have the same size ratio. As a check a PopUp window appears.

My pictures are displayed out of focus in the turn?

For the correct display in the browser the pictures must have a resolution of 72dpi.

Which quality is best for red shades?

Use quality 9 or more.

What is the minimum and maximum size of my Viewer?

The minimum size is 250x250px (due to the size of the Navigation). The maximum size for a turn with Zoom should not exceed the output size of 3000x3000px.

Which formats does the 3D-VIZ TOOL process?

The 3D-VIZ TOOL processes jpg and tiff. Paths can be contained in the picture. Alpha channels should be deleted before the process.

Which color space should my pictures have?

In order to achieve correct color and contrast rendering, please use sRGB since otherwise variations can occur.


What are templates?

You will find a detailed explanation here: http://mytemplate24.com/en/Help-Questions#3d

Where do I find the templates?


I have purchased a template. How can I store it in 3D-VIZ TOOL?

PC: By clicking on the 3D-VIZ.com logo in the Settings area you obtain the path to the templates.

My customer wants his/her own template. What can I do?

You can send us a layout and we will supply you with the template. You can find further information here: http://mytemplate24.com/en

Can I construct a template myself?

Yes. As a customer you can purchase the Developer Kit for FLASH or HTML templates.

Can I modify the speed of the turn?

In Flash this is possible. To do this read the description of the Flash templates. In Html, unfortunately this is only possible with a customer-specific template.

Can I change the viewer size of a detail viewer?

No. The size of the viewer is fixed.

How can I store detail pictures or pictograms?

Place the correct size pictures in the folder …data/thumbs.

I have a viewer with 6 detail pictures. What can I do so that only 2 detail pictures are visible?

FLASH: To do this I delete the detail pictures (det) and pictograms (picto) from the folder data/thumbs and remove the corresponding text from the Settings XML
HTML: Here the programming must be altered. Please contact us for a customer-specific viewer.

I have created a file. How can I view it?

For a Flash file please double-click start_offline.swf. For an Html file please double-click index.html.

Useful information and Apple-specific details:

Which templates do I use for IPhone and IPad?

Only HTML templates can be used for IPhone and IPad.

Which size do I use for an IPhone?

500x500px with max. 200%. Or 1000x1000px without Zoom.



How do I install the software?

MAC: Unzip the 3D-VIZ_CTRL.zip file on the Desktop and place the program in the Programs folder. Also read the GETTINGSTARTED file.
PC: Unzip the 3D-VIZ_CTRL.zip file and copy the setup.exe file to the Desktop. Open setup.exe with right mouse button clicked to run the exe as Administrator.


Error message: Could not connect to EPOS Controller

Ensure that the turntable is switched on and is connected to the computer with the USB cable. If yes, please use another USB cable.

What does AC mean (Acceleration)?

Acceleration means the acceleration and deceleration time, which can be adjusted according to product.

What does "1" mean on the controller?

"1" means start position, zero position or Picture 1. When you have found the ideal start position for your product, press "1" to define this as start position.



How do I install the turntable?

For this please read the manual enclosed with the turntable.


The column seems to wobble. What can I do?

The turntable must be aligned with a spirit level. To do this use the leveling wheels or leveling screws on the bottom of the turntable.

What is the maximum weight that I can place on the turntable?

For the AT360 we guarantee maximum 240kg


How can I position a product simply?

Use the positioning aid AT360033. By using the ruler you can center the product accurately to a millimeter. Then remove the ruler.


Which cameras can be connected?

All professional models from Canon, Nikon, Phase One, Leica, Hasselblad, Sinar and Horseman Shutter ISS3

Why does my camera not trip?

Make sure that the camera is set to manual focus. To trip the camera 3D-VIZ CONTROL must be on. Or exchange the connecting cable.

My camera is connected and set to manual focus. When I start the turn the camera first trips at position 2?

Your camera is in Sleep Mode. Set the Sleep Mode to "OFF"

The photograph process runs but I get only black images.

If you photograph on a CF-card, this is too slow. Adjust the turntable speed down.

Raw Converter

How can I store the 3D-VIZ TOOL.script in Capture One?

To do this read the 3D-VIZ TOOL.script.pdf enclosed with the software.

What do I need the script for?

The script automates the workflow. Incoming pictures are processed immediately with the preset settings and developed in the selected Output folder. If you start the 3D-VIZ TOOL before the photographing process the Output folder specified in Capture One reacts as Hotfolder. The 3D-VIZ TOOL monitors this Hotfolder and after the input of the last photograph automatically begins to complete the animation.

I have stored the script and created the Output folder as Hotfolder. The 3D-VIZ TOOL already begins to generate a file before all the photographs have been taken.

Make sure, that in Capture One only one specification is active in the PROCESSING TEMPLATES.

What should my PROCESSING TEMPLATES look like?

Resolution=72 px/inch / ICC profile = sRGB / Format = tiff 8 bit or jpg 100%. Important! Viewer size x max. zoom factor = minimum crop.

Upload, Hosting

How much does the hosting cost me?

In contrast to server-based solutions, there are no additional hosting fees for the Output of the 3D-VIZ TOOL.

Which data does my customer receive?

Your customer receives the complete folder that the 3D-VIZ TOOL outputs in the Output folder.

My folder has over 10MB. Does it not take too long until the visualization appears online? Is the file not too big?

You can view the file in the web without any reservations. The pictures in the Zoom folder are the "largest"- but these are only called up online as required. As a rule the start rotation is between 100 and 300kb and is displayed in the web relatively quickly. If the loading time is too long for you, you also have the option of increasing the compression.